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name - Variable in class com.simplicite.util.DocumentDB.DocData
File name
name - Variable in class com.simplicite.util.GroupDB.ObjectDefinition
name - Variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.Parameters.ContextParam
Name: view, crosstab, print, ...
name() - Method in annotation type com.simplicite.util.annotations.RESTServiceOperation
Operation name
name() - Method in annotation type com.simplicite.util.annotations.RESTServiceParam
Parameter name
NEW - Static variable in class com.simplicite.bpm.ProcessusCore
Instantiation right
newCell(int, double) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, double) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, float) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, float) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, int) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, int) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, ObjectField, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, ObjectField, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType, String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType, String, ObjectField) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new cell
newCell(int, String, CellType, String, ObjectField) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell
newCell(int, Date, boolean) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Get new cell for a date
newData() - Method in class com.simplicite.util.GrantCore
New empty GrantData
newDocument() - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.DocxTool
Create a new default document
newDocument(PageSizePaper, boolean) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.DocxTool
Create a new document
newRow(int) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new row
newSheet(String) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Get new sheet
NO - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.StringIntern
No "N" indexed value
NO_COMPILE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.JavaTool
Java compilation error message prefix
noContent(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Static method in class com.simplicite.webapp.tools.ServletTool
No content response (HTTP code 204)
Node(K, T, Tree.Node<K, T>) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.tools.Tree.Node
nodeInsert(int, String, String, Crosstab.NodeLine, List<Object>[]) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.Crosstab
NodeLine(Crosstab, int, String, String, Crosstab.NodeLine, List<Object>[]) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.Crosstab.NodeLine
nodeSearch(String, Crosstab.NodeLine) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.Crosstab
NodeTemplate(String, String, char, ObjectDB, int, String, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.ModelTemplate.NodeTemplate
noListAccess() - Method in class com.simplicite.util.TreeView.TreeViewNode
Use hasNoListAccess
NONE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Globals
None value
NORMAL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.PDFTool
normalizeVersion(String) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.Tool
Normalize a version number for comparisons (e.g.
normalizeVersion(String, int) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.Tool
Normalize a version number for comparisons (e.g.
noSearchForm() - Method in class com.simplicite.util.MenuItem
No search form
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Globals
Not found constant
NOT_NULL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.integration.TagXML
not null
notAcceptable(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Static method in class com.simplicite.webapp.tools.ServletTool
Not acceptable error response (HTTP code 406)
notfound(Parameters) - Method in class com.simplicite.webapp.web.StaticSiteExternalObject
Not found page
notFound(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Static method in class com.simplicite.webapp.tools.ServletTool
Not found error response (HTTP code 404)
NotFoundException - Exception in com.simplicite.util.exceptions
Not found Exception
NotFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.simplicite.util.exceptions.NotFoundException
Default constructor
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.simplicite.util.exceptions.NotFoundException
NotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.simplicite.util.exceptions.NotFoundException
notGranted(Grant) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.GrantCore
Translated not granted message
NOTI_CHANNEL_FIREBASE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Notification
NOTI_CHANNEL_INTERNAL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Notification
NOTI_CHANNEL_MAIL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Notification
NOTI_CHANNEL_SPECIFIC - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.Notification
notification(Grant, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.tools.SocialTool
Send a notification to \@login mentioned in message.
Notification - Class in com.simplicite.util
Shared code Notification
Notification(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.Notification
Notification.NotifRecipient - Class in com.simplicite.util
NotificationTool - Class in com.simplicite.util.tools
NotificationTool() - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.tools.NotificationTool
Default contructor (using system admin grant)
NotificationTool(Grant, Notification) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.tools.NotificationTool
NotificationTool(Notification) - Constructor for class com.simplicite.util.tools.NotificationTool
notimplemented() - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.AppLog
Not implemented in this version warning
notimplemented(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.AppLog
Not implemented in this version warning
notimplemented(String, String) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.AppLog
Not implemented in this version warning
notSystemModuleObjectList() - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.ModuleDB
Get all objects which have a link to module and role 'module', 'system' are ignored.
now(int) - Method in class com.simplicite.util.Grant
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use Tool.getCurrentDate or getCurrentTime or detCurrentDatetime
now(int) - Static method in class com.simplicite.util.Tool
Use getCurrentDate or getCurentTime or getCurrentDatetime
NULL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.integration.TagXML
NULL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.HTMLTool
Null constant (same as HTTPTool.NULL)
NULL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.HTTPTool
Form null constant
NULL - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.StringIntern
Null as a StringIntern
NumberTool - Class in com.simplicite.util.tools
Number formatter based on ICU4J: transform a number to words or roman numerals.
NUMERIC_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell blue
NUMERIC_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell blue
NUMERIC_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell green
NUMERIC_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell green
NUMERIC_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell grey
NUMERIC_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell grey
NUMERIC_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell red
NUMERIC_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell red
NUMERIC_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell white
NUMERIC_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell white
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell blue with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell blue with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell green with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell green with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell grey with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell grey with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell red with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell red with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell white with CHF sign
NUMERIC_CHF_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell white with CHF sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell blue with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell blue with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell green with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell green with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell grey with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell grey with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell red with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell red with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell white with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_DOLLAR_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell white with Dollar sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell blue with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_BLUE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell blue with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell green with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_GREEN - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell green with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell grey with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell grey with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell red with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_RED - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell red with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric cell white with Euro sign
NUMERIC_EURO_CELL_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric cell white with Euro sign
NUMERIC_HEAD_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric head cell grey
NUMERIC_HEAD_GREY - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric head cell grey
NUMERIC_HEAD_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelPOITool
Numeric head cell white
NUMERIC_HEAD_WHITE - Static variable in class com.simplicite.util.tools.ExcelTool
Numeric head cell white
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